Developing excellence through experience.
A Bit of Background
Here at Seacliff Surf Sport Academy, we are driven to develop South Australian surf sport athletes by providing logistical support to enable opportunities for athletes to compete interstate against the countries best athletes wherever that may be. In addition the academy is endeavoring to provide South Australia athletes access to the best level of coaching and tuition in order to improve their overall surf skills.
What We Do
Enable Access to top level interstate competition for South Australian Surf Athletes
Surf Lifesaving Is At Our Core
Reinforcing our commitment.
Beach - Water - Pool - Lifesaving
Experience develops excellence.
Compete At The Top Level
How Does It Work?
The academy is a not for profit registered charity that raises funds from donations or sponsorship and distributes money to athletes and or surf organisations that seek support from the academy to provide funds to send South Australian based athletes to non South Australian based competitions in order to develop and improve surf skills in South Australia.
October 2022
Coolangatta gold
December 2022
Summer Of Surf round 1
January 2023
Manly/Freshwater (full club carnival)
Summer Of Surf Victoria
Summer Of Surf round 2 (possibly)
February 2023
Summer of Surf Northcliffe round
March 2023
NSW State Titles (if dates align)
-Academy aim is to provide craft transport to the following surf sports events.
-Minimum of 10 athletes to attend each surf carnival before the academy will commit to the event.
-Craft transport is open to ALL athletes who are actively and consistently training
Our Mission
Help build the skills of SA surf athletes by giving 13 to 24 year olds the best opportunity to compete at the top level by assisting to provide experience through interstate competition.
Opportunity to Make a Difference
Seacliff Surf Life Saving Club is creating a unique opportunity for South Australian athletes to compete on the national stage through the ‘Seacliff Surf Sport Academy’. Competitive surf lifesaving is iconic to Australia. Traditionally the sport has been dominated by Queensland competitors. We seek to change that imbalance by creating a fund that nurtures talent from the earliest age and has a structure capable of retaining elite talent in South Australia. South Australia is an extremely fertile nursery for elite sportsmen and women; There is simply an inadequate pathway through exposure to competition to retain our most elite athletes. Without the ability to be competitive, most of our South Australian athletes will either migrate interstate or leave the sport.
Our Commitment to Lifesaving
Community service is at the very core of the surf lifesaving movement. This academy instils and re-enforces the importance of the commitment.
Contact the Seacliff Surf Sport Academy
248 The Esplanade, Seacliff, 5039