Club Opportunities for Parents and Care Givers

Seacliff Surf Life Saving Club is a club for the whole family, it’s not just another activity for the kids. Parents are encouraged to get involved with our Nippers and Surf Life Saving Club. One way is for parents to get involved is to undertake their Bronze Medallion. Anyone over the age of 15 can get their Bronze Medallion or their Advance Resuscitation Techniques award and become a part of our patrolling group. Our Bronze Medallion holders can get involved at junior trainings and carnivals or join a patrol on Saturdays and Sundays.

The Bronze Medallion is the gateway to getting involved in Surf Life Saving. You do not have to be or look like an Iron Person to do your Bronze. The Bronze Medallion is for everyone and training is provided. If you are uncertain or have questions come and speak with one the team and we can discuss what’s involved. I would encourage you to not let a season go past. Parents who undertake the Bronze Medallion can participate in the water with their children during training and also have a go themselves in Masters competition.

Bronze Medallion holders also have the benefit of accessing club equipment and anytime access to the club. In addition there are many awards that people can work towards, the Bronze medallion is usually the starting point and this involves an 8-week course which covers Water rescues, First Aid, CPR, Beach management, Radios and communications. Other awards include Advance Resuscitation Techniques, IRB (Inflatable Rescue Boat) crew & drivers, Spinal Management, Advanced First Aid.

If you would like more information on any of our courses please contact Ash Clarke, Seacliff Chief Instructor at