2015 – 2016 Club Awards
October 19, 2016
2016-2017 Annual Report
September 9, 2017
Led by Gareth Gray, the Sponsorship Committee has achieved an amazing grant to cover the cost of getting a stainless steel wheelchair that will allow mobility impaired individuals the opportunity to access the beach and potentially enter the water at Seacliff.
With large pneumatic soft inflated wheels, the beach wheelchair will be able to maneuver on sand and allow individuals to explore the beach and further enjoy being in and near the ocean.
By having a beach wheelchair accessible, individuals won’t have to use their own expensive wheelchairs that may be motorised, heavy or simply too expensive to risk damaging with sand or salt. Most wheelchairs have narrow wheels that make transport or movement on the beach in even hard packed sand difficult or next to impossible so having this beach wheelchair as an option for people to use will be an extraordinary opportunity for them and we hope it will be widely used.
Many thanks for the efforts of Gareth in making this a reality and cudos to the Seacliff Surf Life Saving Club and all the volunteer surf lifesavers at the club who will assist in managing and maintaining this opportunity.